(1239 - )
"El antiguo convento de Santo Domingo de los dominicos sito en la Plaza de Tetuán de Valencia (España) y antigua Capitanía General de Valencia, es un edificio de estilos gótico valenciano y barroco fundado en 1239 sobre terrenos concedidos por el rey Jaime I."
"The Convent of Santo Domingo was a convent of the Dominican Order in the city of Valencia, Spain. Construction of the church began on land granted by King James I of Aragon in 1239, but it was subsequently replaced by a larger structure in 1250. The building went through renovations and expansions during different periods in history, hence it is home to Renaissance, Neoclassical, Valencian Gothic and Baroque styles of architecture. It was classified as a Bien de Interés Cultural in 1931, and is now used as a Spanish Army headquarters."
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